WEBVTT 1 00:00:00.087 --> 00:00:10.158 Music 2 00:00:10.158 --> 00:00:14.250 Hello learners, this is Dr.Padmavathi Ganapathi, Professor of 3 00:00:14.250 --> 00:00:17.310 Computer Science, Avinashilingam Institute Coimbatore 4 00:00:17.610 --> 00:00:22.459 TamilNadu, The coordinate is for UGC Swayam MOOC on cyber security. 5 00:00:22.792 --> 00:00:25.434 The Course is the ideal Course for all of us, 6 00:00:25.617 --> 00:00:29.482 as most of us are extensive usage on the internet today. 7 00:00:29.909 --> 00:00:33.321 At the end of the Course, the learners will be knowledgeable 8 00:00:33.512 --> 00:00:37.890 on the secured communication, healthy practices and ethical ways of 9 00:00:37.890 --> 00:00:39.873 communicating in the cyber space. 10 00:00:39.873 --> 00:00:43.825 Cyber Security is an essential Course today, because 11 00:00:44.222 --> 00:00:48.091 there is ever increasing usage of internet, mobile devices, 12 00:00:48.091 --> 00:00:53.212 online mode of operations and most of us work online, play online. 13 00:00:53.212 --> 00:00:58.062 In fact, we do even the personal activities online. 14 00:00:58.062 --> 00:01:01.620 Almost every day we read a lot of incidents. Both cyber attacks, 15 00:01:01.620 --> 00:01:04.377 Ransomware and other cyber crimes. 16 00:01:04.377 --> 00:01:07.531 The growth rate of cyber crimes is increasing. 17 00:01:07.531 --> 00:01:11.169 And this is mainly due to the unawareness among the users. 18 00:01:11.169 --> 00:01:15.540 And maybe sometime due to wrong Intentions, the cyber law to 19 00:01:15.540 --> 00:01:19.800 handle cyber crimes are becoming stringent and most of the 20 00:01:19.860 --> 00:01:25.080 unethical practices are severely punishable according to the law. 21 00:01:25.410 --> 00:01:29.879 creating Cyber security Awareness is the need of the day. 22 00:01:29.879 --> 00:01:35.964 Music 23 00:01:35.964 --> 00:01:38.499 There are no prerequisites for this course. 24 00:01:38.524 --> 00:01:42.524 But a fundamental knowledge in computers is desire, 25 00:01:42.524 --> 00:01:44.238 who are the target audience? 26 00:01:44.658 --> 00:01:49.018 whom the course is meant for? Anyone interested in Cyber security, 27 00:01:49.018 --> 00:01:53.975 because today all of us are connected with each other in the cyberspace. 28 00:01:53.975 --> 00:01:56.664 fundamental knowledge in cyber security's 29 00:01:56.664 --> 00:01:59.966 essential for both personal and professional life. 30 00:02:00.497 --> 00:02:04.500 Every day lot of interactions and exchanges take place both 31 00:02:04.500 --> 00:02:07.711 personally and professionally in the cyber space. 32 00:02:07.711 --> 00:02:12.386 This course does not assume or demand any prior knowledge 33 00:02:12.386 --> 00:02:13.796 in computer security. 34 00:02:13.796 --> 00:02:17.931 Rather, a fundamental knowledge in computers is more than sufficient. 35 00:02:17.931 --> 00:02:20.416 anybody interested in gaining knowledge 36 00:02:20.416 --> 00:02:25.709 on cyber security can opt for this course. The major objective of 37 00:02:25.709 --> 00:02:30.629 the course to create awareness among the learners with an 38 00:02:30.629 --> 00:02:33.633 introductory level course on cyber security. 39 00:02:33.633 --> 00:02:38.759 Through discussions on the basics, different models, cyber attacks, 40 00:02:38.879 --> 00:02:44.579 legal and ethical aspects and enable them buid cyber eco system. 41 00:02:45.689 --> 00:02:46.991 Learning outcomes. 42 00:02:46.991 --> 00:02:49.258 On the completion of the course, the 43 00:02:49.259 --> 00:02:52.109 learners will be able to recognize the fundamental 44 00:02:52.109 --> 00:02:56.849 concepts in cyber security and distinguish among the attacks, 45 00:02:56.911 --> 00:02:58.855 threats and vulnerabilities. 46 00:02:58.855 --> 00:03:01.795 The learners can classify and explain 47 00:03:01.795 --> 00:03:06.739 different types of security architectures and defense methods. 48 00:03:07.115 --> 00:03:11.110 They will be able to identify, differentiate and explain 49 00:03:11.110 --> 00:03:13.758 different cyber crimes and frauds. 50 00:03:14.014 --> 00:03:16.524 The learners will be able to apply different 51 00:03:16.524 --> 00:03:19.710 Cyber Crime Investigation methods and techniques 52 00:03:19.710 --> 00:03:24.863 for typical cases, study the cases with human psychological profiling 53 00:03:24.863 --> 00:03:30.035 and develop suitable processes for forensic investigations. 54 00:03:30.035 --> 00:03:33.347 They will have the knowledge to review and apply 55 00:03:33.347 --> 00:03:37.889 many of the existing approaches followed in cybercrime detection 56 00:03:37.889 --> 00:03:39.879 and evaluate the same. 57 00:03:40.265 --> 00:03:44.431 Finally, they'll also be able to paraphrase the legal and ethical aspects 58 00:03:44.431 --> 00:03:48.823 in cyber laws and employ them in typical cyber security cases 59 00:03:48.823 --> 00:03:50.261 taken for study. 60 00:03:50.474 --> 00:03:53.260 The learners will be knowledgeable to 61 00:03:53.260 --> 00:03:57.790 appreciate and adopt the best practices in cyber security. 62 00:03:58.654 --> 00:04:01.758 Let's look at the Course description and the outline 63 00:04:02.098 --> 00:04:04.894 Let me project requires topics. 64 00:04:04.894 --> 00:04:09.383 Week 1: On cyber security basics and security principles, 65 00:04:09.383 --> 00:04:12.899 Week 2: Cyber attacks and data classification. 66 00:04:13.349 --> 00:04:17.408 Week 3: Vulnerability assessment, intrusion detection 67 00:04:17.408 --> 00:04:19.051 and intrusion prevention. 68 00:04:19.389 --> 00:04:24.699 Week 4: User authentication methods, bio-metric Authentication methods. 69 00:04:24.699 --> 00:04:29.039 Week 5: Standard security models, information security, 70 00:04:29.039 --> 00:04:32.496 network security and operating system security. 71 00:04:32.496 --> 00:04:38.250 Week 6: Web security - email security, mobile device security 72 00:04:38.250 --> 00:04:39.382 and cloud security. 73 00:04:39.382 --> 00:04:44.265 Week 7: IOT Security- cyber physical system security, 74 00:04:44.265 --> 00:04:46.561 and social media security. 75 00:04:46.561 --> 00:04:52.283 Week 8: Virtual currency- block chain technology and security auditing. 76 00:04:52.283 --> 00:04:56.583 Week 9: Cyber crimes- types and data frauds. 77 00:04:56.688 --> 00:05:03.624 Week 10: Analysis of crimes - human behavior, stylometry and incident handling. 78 00:05:03.624 --> 00:05:09.497 Week 11: Investigation methods- criminal profiling and cyber trails. 79 00:05:09.497 --> 00:05:12.823 Week 12: Digital Forensics- history, 80 00:05:12.823 --> 00:05:16.142 challenges branches of digital forensics. 81 00:05:16.142 --> 00:05:19.774 Week 13: Digital forensic investigation methods- 82 00:05:19.774 --> 00:05:22.853 reporting and management of evidence. 83 00:05:22.853 --> 00:05:28.245 Week 14: Cyber law basics- Information Technology Act 2000 84 00:05:28.245 --> 00:05:29.784 and it's amendments. 85 00:05:29.784 --> 00:05:33.704 Week 15: Special sections related to cybercrimes, 86 00:05:33.704 --> 00:05:37.648 different acts and finally creating awareness. 87 00:05:38.100 --> 00:05:40.227 Course duration and engagement time. 88 00:05:40.227 --> 00:05:42.671 The nature of the course : The course may be a 89 00:05:42.671 --> 00:05:44.750 Core course or an elective course. 90 00:05:44.870 --> 00:05:49.167 Anybody even a non computer's student can opt for this course, 91 00:05:49.267 --> 00:05:51.358 The number of credits : 4 92 00:05:51.358 --> 00:05:54.269 The duration of the course: 15 weeks. 93 00:05:54.294 --> 00:05:55.764 Assessment plan 94 00:05:55.764 --> 00:05:58.639 Tutorials/Discussion forum: 15 95 00:05:58.639 --> 00:06:00.072 Assignments : 2 96 00:06:00.072 --> 00:06:05.707 Comprehensive final online examination i.e Computer Based test:1 97 00:06:05.707 --> 00:06:11.957 Music 98 00:06:11.957 --> 00:06:18.261 The course on cyber security comprises, 14 modules for 15 weeks durations. 99 00:06:18.779 --> 00:06:22.886 All the modern pedagogies are followed to make the learning process 100 00:06:22.886 --> 00:06:24.787 interesting and scientific. 101 00:06:24.787 --> 00:06:26.810 So hope we meet you also with 102 00:06:26.810 --> 00:06:29.968 our team of subject experts with a very excited 103 00:06:29.968 --> 00:06:33.663 material and mutually beneficial learning experience. 104 00:06:33.663 --> 00:06:34.592 Welcome