WEBVTT 1 00:00:00.062 --> 00:00:12.524 music 2 00:00:12.524 --> 00:00:15.969 Welcome to the course direct tax laws and practice. 3 00:00:15.969 --> 00:00:19.231 Thank you for enrolling into the program. 4 00:00:19.231 --> 00:00:21.675 We will discuss various nitty gritties of 5 00:00:21.675 --> 00:00:24.905 direct tax laws and practice in this particular course. 6 00:00:24.905 --> 00:00:28.461 The basic objective as has been told 7 00:00:28.461 --> 00:00:33.683 is that to familiarize these participants with the various tax laws. 8 00:00:33.683 --> 00:00:36.969 And our main purpose is to make the 9 00:00:36.969 --> 00:00:40.437 students understand the nitty gritties of tax laws 10 00:00:40.437 --> 00:00:43.715 as well as to make them compliant 11 00:00:43.715 --> 00:00:45.985 to various tax laws and procedures. 12 00:00:45.985 --> 00:00:48.683 Sri Arun Jaitley the union finance minister, 13 00:00:48.683 --> 00:00:52.950 while presenting the union budget 2018-19 14 00:00:52.950 --> 00:00:58.569 lamented that India is a tax non compliant society 15 00:00:58.569 --> 00:01:02.569 that majority of the Indians who can afford to pay tax, 16 00:01:02.656 --> 00:01:10.386 but they do not pay income tax. A statistics was published in 2015-16 figures 17 00:01:10.445 --> 00:01:16.345 that only 3.7 crore individuals filed income tax. 18 00:01:16.389 --> 00:01:22.547 Out of these only 76 lakhs showed income above five lakhs. 19 00:01:22.547 --> 00:01:26.222 And out of this 76 lakhs the irony is that 20 00:01:26.222 --> 00:01:30.952 56 lakhs are salaried class. That means, 21 00:01:30.990 --> 00:01:36.030 people who can afford to pay income taxgiven a chance 22 00:01:36.133 --> 00:01:42.046 they are willing to remain outside the tax net. 23 00:01:42.046 --> 00:01:48.982 , there is a normal tendency to reduce the payment of tax liabilities. 24 00:01:49.007 --> 00:01:53.800 The tax liabilities can be reduced by various ways. 25 00:01:53.800 --> 00:01:59.553 I can discuss four ways in details. Number one is the tax evasion. 26 00:01:59.553 --> 00:02:06.046 Number two is the tax avoidance. Number three is tax planning. 27 00:02:06.046 --> 00:02:10.855 And fourthly, I will highlight various ways for tax management. 28 00:02:11.130 --> 00:02:16.873 Regarding the tax evasion. Tax evasion is the way to reduce tax liability. 29 00:02:16.873 --> 00:02:20.690 But one should remember this is illegal 30 00:02:20.690 --> 00:02:25.440 and whenever the person is caught, he will be punished under civil 31 00:02:25.650 --> 00:02:29.944 and criminal procedures. So this tax evasion is not 32 00:02:29.944 --> 00:02:34.740 at all desirable, and no one should adopt this particular means. 33 00:02:34.753 --> 00:02:40.777 Secondly is the tax avoidance. Tax avoidance is per se, not 34 00:02:40.777 --> 00:02:46.260 illegal, but not desirable. also. There are various ways 35 00:02:46.590 --> 00:02:50.241 where a person can legally avoid the payment of tax. 36 00:02:50.241 --> 00:02:57.330 But it doesn't help the country in their growth or in their development. 37 00:02:57.330 --> 00:03:00.544 as far as possible, the tax avoidance routes 38 00:03:00.544 --> 00:03:04.901 should not also be adopted by taxpayers. 39 00:03:04.901 --> 00:03:11.787 Third one, which is the tax planning, which is legal, and which is desirable 40 00:03:11.787 --> 00:03:17.160 also. It's a win win situation. The Income Tax Act 41 00:03:17.280 --> 00:03:23.917 make ample provisions for the taxpayer to reduce their tax liabilities. 42 00:03:24.290 --> 00:03:28.893 One of the common example is that 80 section 80C. 43 00:03:29.010 --> 00:03:35.621 Whereby a taxpayer can save money into particular desired avenues. 44 00:03:35.621 --> 00:03:39.716 And if the money is saved in those avenues, 45 00:03:39.716 --> 00:03:45.978 then the taxpayer can save a substantial amount of income tax. 46 00:03:45.978 --> 00:03:48.597 , the money where it is being saved. 47 00:03:48.597 --> 00:03:51.423 This money is also used by the government 48 00:03:51.423 --> 00:03:56.383 for various development purposes and capital formation purposes. 49 00:03:56.383 --> 00:03:59.415 , tax planning is a win win situation. 50 00:03:59.640 --> 00:04:04.703 Whereby the taxpayer saves a substantial amount of tax. 51 00:04:04.703 --> 00:04:10.957 As well as he contributes for the development and growth of the country. 52 00:04:10.957 --> 00:04:15.810 In the entire course, we'll be discussing various ways 53 00:04:15.960 --> 00:04:19.833 for tax planning, and we will give tips whereby 54 00:04:19.833 --> 00:04:27.389 a taxpayer can save their income tax by resorting to various avenues as 55 00:04:27.540 --> 00:04:33.210 specified in tax planning. Fourth one is Tax Management. 56 00:04:33.720 --> 00:04:38.157 Tax Management is actually compliance to tax laws. 57 00:04:38.157 --> 00:04:42.323 It relates to maintenance of accounts, audit 58 00:04:42.355 --> 00:04:48.664 that is the timely audit of accounts, the payment of tax, filing of returns, etc. 59 00:04:48.664 --> 00:04:52.500 In this particular course, will also highlight 60 00:04:52.530 --> 00:04:55.038 various aspects of tax management. 61 00:04:55.038 --> 00:05:01.350 Whereby a good citizen knows that how to comply with the tax laws and procedures 62 00:05:01.620 --> 00:05:05.088 and goes for the better tax management. 63 00:05:05.088 --> 00:05:09.731 Thus, we have learned the difference between tax evasion, 64 00:05:09.731 --> 00:05:14.604 tax avoidance and tax planning. , 65 00:05:14.629 --> 00:05:18.320 that while tax evasion is undesirable 66 00:05:18.320 --> 00:05:23.423 and not at all expected from a good citizen. 67 00:05:23.790 --> 00:05:29.580 Tax evasion can be resorted to by overstating the expenditure 68 00:05:29.829 --> 00:05:35.789 understating the income, not disclosing the income earned by the assessee. 69 00:05:35.789 --> 00:05:38.988 , these are all risky ventures. 70 00:05:38.988 --> 00:05:41.948 A good citizen should not adopt these practices, 71 00:05:41.948 --> 00:05:46.265 because it will amount to excessive amount of penalties 72 00:05:46.265 --> 00:05:49.043 and the chance of prosecution. 73 00:05:49.080 --> 00:05:53.620 Second one is tax avoidance. Just to summarize, 74 00:05:53.643 --> 00:05:58.920 that it is the way by taking various loopholes in the act or various 75 00:05:59.370 --> 00:06:04.120 avenues in the act whereby a person avoids the payment of tax. 76 00:06:04.120 --> 00:06:07.389 Which is not illegal, whereas I repeat, 77 00:06:07.389 --> 00:06:13.326 this is not so much desirable also. The most desirable is the tax planning, 78 00:06:13.620 --> 00:06:17.318 like selecting an appropriate business plan, 79 00:06:17.318 --> 00:06:23.644 investing in desired projects, etc. Whereby the taxpayer 80 00:06:23.644 --> 00:06:30.271 helps the country to grow at the same time reduces his or her own tax liabilities. 81 00:06:30.432 --> 00:06:34.916 And there are various consultants who will give 82 00:06:34.916 --> 00:06:39.709 advice on the tax avoidance rules or tax planning rules. 83 00:06:39.709 --> 00:06:44.765 Tax planning and tax management is what all wants now a days, 84 00:06:44.792 --> 00:06:49.094 like at the one hand, no one wants to pay more tax. 85 00:06:49.094 --> 00:06:53.387 At the same time none wants to evade tax also, 86 00:06:53.387 --> 00:06:56.070 as the implications are very strict. 87 00:06:56.507 --> 00:07:01.483 That's why people should adopt for tax planning and tax management, 88 00:07:01.483 --> 00:07:05.670 as both are the best options to lower the tax burden 89 00:07:05.880 --> 00:07:10.530 without affecting the spirit of law. There is difference between 90 00:07:10.560 --> 00:07:15.699 tax planning and tax management while the objective of the tax planning 91 00:07:15.699 --> 00:07:18.524 is to minimize the tax liability. 92 00:07:18.524 --> 00:07:21.056 The objective of tax management 93 00:07:21.056 --> 00:07:23.866 is to comply with the provisions of 94 00:07:23.890 --> 00:07:30.820 income tax lawand its rules. Tax planning includes tax management, 95 00:07:30.995 --> 00:07:35.098 while tax management deals with filing of return on time, 96 00:07:35.098 --> 00:07:39.804 getting the accounts audited, deducting the tax at source, 97 00:07:40.066 --> 00:07:45.376 paying the tax on time, etc. Tax planning relates to future 98 00:07:45.376 --> 00:07:51.209 but tax management relates to past, present as well as future. 99 00:07:51.234 --> 00:07:58.171 Past, it includes assessment, proceedings, appeals, revisions, etc. 100 00:07:58.496 --> 00:08:04.369 While present it includes filing of return, payment of advance tax etc. 101 00:08:04.528 --> 00:08:07.417 For future to take corrective actions. 102 00:08:07.417 --> 00:08:12.004 Fourthly, tax planning helps in minimizing tax liability 103 00:08:12.004 --> 00:08:14.925 in short term as well as in the long term. 104 00:08:14.925 --> 00:08:18.420 Tax management helps in avoiding 105 00:08:18.540 --> 00:08:23.532 payment of interest, penalties, prosecution etc. 106 00:08:23.532 --> 00:08:26.230 We can say that tax planning is optional. 107 00:08:26.230 --> 00:08:32.149 Tax management is essential for every tax paying entity. 108 00:08:32.149 --> 00:08:37.363 In this week, we summarize that we have learned 109 00:08:37.363 --> 00:08:41.924 the various nitty gritties of income tax as well as 110 00:08:41.924 --> 00:08:47.376 the ways for minimizing the tax liability legally. 111 00:08:47.376 --> 00:08:50.995 To summarize, we can say that the ways of tax evasion 112 00:08:50.995 --> 00:08:55.694 should not be adopted. Tax avoidance, although not illegal. 113 00:08:55.694 --> 00:08:58.805 She's also not desirable, while 114 00:08:58.805 --> 00:09:03.424 a person should go for the techniques and tools for tax planning, 115 00:09:03.424 --> 00:09:09.051 as well as any taxpayer or any good citizen should go for tax management. 116 00:09:09.240 --> 00:09:10.222 Thank you very much. 117 00:09:10.222 --> 00:09:13.890 We'll meet you in the next week with a new chapter.