WEBVTT 1 00:00:07.580 --> 00:00:09.220 Hi everybody . 2 00:00:09.220 --> 00:00:13.960 Welcome to the 4th module of the course Early Childhood Care and Education . 3 00:00:14.689 --> 00:00:16.679 The module is on the 4 00:00:16.679 --> 00:00:20.760 theoretical foundations and implications towards 5 00:00:20.760 --> 00:00:22.149 learning and development , 6 00:00:22.149 --> 00:00:26.829 with special focus on behaviorism and social learning concepts . 7 00:00:26.829 --> 00:00:29.949 This module comes to you in the form of 3 videos . 8 00:00:30.079 --> 00:00:34.990 The first video will elaborate the concept of learning 9 00:00:35.060 --> 00:00:39.850 and explain how classical conditioning helps towards 10 00:00:39.850 --> 00:00:40.810 learning . 11 00:00:41.240 --> 00:00:45.520 The second video will elaborate the 12 00:00:45.520 --> 00:00:50.259 operant conditionings and how reinforcement 13 00:00:50.259 --> 00:00:53.679 and punishment play an important role towards 14 00:00:53.679 --> 00:00:55.329 learning of a human being . 15 00:00:55.850 --> 00:00:59.880 The third video is how do children learn by means of 16 00:00:59.880 --> 00:01:03.850 imitation and practice in the way of social learning , 17 00:01:03.850 --> 00:01:05.980 as proposed by Bandura . 18 00:01:06.290 --> 00:01:07.569 So , this is the question . 19 00:01:07.670 --> 00:01:10.810 Now let us on move on to the concept of learning . 20 00:01:11.780 --> 00:01:13.420 What is meant by learning ? 21 00:01:14.060 --> 00:01:17.040 Learning refers to changes in behavior 22 00:01:17.040 --> 00:01:19.329 as a result of experience . 23 00:01:19.969 --> 00:01:24.760 You know babies are born with integrated learning mechanisms and capacities 24 00:01:24.760 --> 00:01:27.939 that allow them to gain from experiences . 25 00:01:28.219 --> 00:01:31.680 Any human being at a younger age learns through 26 00:01:31.680 --> 00:01:33.790 two basic forms of learning , 27 00:01:33.790 --> 00:01:36.909 namely , Classical and Operant conditioning . 28 00:01:37.069 --> 00:01:40.599 Next they learn by observing and and imitating others . 29 00:01:42.200 --> 00:01:45.129 Let us learn about all these approaches in detail . 30 00:01:45.920 --> 00:01:49.510 At the end of this video , you will be able to 31 00:01:49.510 --> 00:01:51.189 understand the concept of learning ; 32 00:01:51.950 --> 00:01:56.709 describe the behaviorist approaches to learning , namely , classical conditioning ; 33 00:01:56.709 --> 00:01:59.769 and the third is to take up the responsibility of guiding children of 0 to 6 years 34 00:02:00.590 --> 00:02:03.299 to develop desirable behavior 35 00:02:03.299 --> 00:02:06.730 and extinguish undesired behavior . 36 00:02:06.980 --> 00:02:11.770 Before getting into the theories of learning , the concept of learning should be well understood . 37 00:02:11.770 --> 00:02:16.090 Learning is defined as a process 38 00:02:16.090 --> 00:02:20.289 that results in relatively consistent change in behavior , 39 00:02:20.289 --> 00:02:23.710 or behavior potential , based on experience . 40 00:02:24.439 --> 00:02:27.580 Why is it called relatively consistent change ? 41 00:02:28.699 --> 00:02:32.349 After you have learned swimming and are confident about it , 42 00:02:32.479 --> 00:02:35.530 you will probably always be able to swim . 43 00:02:35.719 --> 00:02:37.020 However , 44 00:02:37.020 --> 00:02:41.409 you should realize those consistent changes may not be permanent . 45 00:02:41.840 --> 00:02:46.780 For example , if you give up swimming , the speed with which you swim 46 00:02:46.939 --> 00:02:49.120 might have declined from the original speed , 47 00:02:49.120 --> 00:02:53.409 but it will surely be easy to learn again . 48 00:02:54.469 --> 00:02:58.780 And what is the change in behavior or behavior potential ? 49 00:02:58.780 --> 00:02:59.879 Most learning is 50 00:02:59.879 --> 00:03:04.270 apparent from the improvement in performance . For example , driving a car . 51 00:03:04.430 --> 00:03:06.699 However , in many instances , 52 00:03:06.699 --> 00:03:10.110 performance may not show everything you have learned , 53 00:03:10.110 --> 00:03:13.990 as an improvement in performance can not be measured . 54 00:03:13.990 --> 00:03:17.289 For example , appreciation of modern art . 55 00:03:17.569 --> 00:03:21.419 In such instances , you are said to have achieved a potential for 56 00:03:21.419 --> 00:03:23.110 behavior change . 57 00:03:24.199 --> 00:03:28.060 Now , why do we say it is based on experience ? 58 00:03:28.189 --> 00:03:31.469 Remember it is only through experience 59 00:03:31.469 --> 00:03:33.550 that learning can take place . 60 00:03:33.680 --> 00:03:37.990 Experience includes taking in information , assessment , 61 00:03:37.990 --> 00:03:41.370 transformation , and manifestation of responses 62 00:03:41.370 --> 00:03:43.659 that affect the environment . 63 00:03:43.909 --> 00:03:47.259 Now let us get into classical conditioning concept . 64 00:03:47.259 --> 00:03:51.939 Babies are born with a built-in set of learning mechanisms 65 00:03:51.939 --> 00:03:54.219 that enables them to learn immediately . 66 00:03:57.080 --> 00:03:59.460 So , kids at a very young age are capable of two basic 67 00:03:59.460 --> 00:04:03.849 forms , as already explained - classical conditioning and operant conditioning . 68 00:04:04.009 --> 00:04:05.650 The first approach 69 00:04:05.990 --> 00:04:07.689 will be explained to you in detail . 70 00:04:08.750 --> 00:04:13.389 Russian physiologist Ivan Pavlov discovered classical conditioning , for which 71 00:04:14.000 --> 00:04:17.740 he won the Nobel prize in 1904 . 72 00:04:17.740 --> 00:04:21.129 Learning by classical conditioning is associating an environmental 73 00:04:21.410 --> 00:04:23.279 or neutral stimulus 74 00:04:23.279 --> 00:04:26.589 with a naturally occurring stimulus . 75 00:04:26.589 --> 00:04:30.389 Classical conditioning is defined as a form of learning that involves associating 76 00:04:30.389 --> 00:04:34.079 a neutral stimulus with a stimulus 77 00:04:34.079 --> 00:04:37.149 that leads to reflexive response . 78 00:04:37.339 --> 00:04:38.949 Now , on to Pavlov 's experiment . 79 00:04:40.430 --> 00:04:44.170 Reflex response constitutes the crux of classical conditioning . 80 00:04:44.329 --> 00:04:48.389 A reflex is nothing but an automatic response to specific stimuli , 81 00:04:48.389 --> 00:04:51.339 such as salivation , eye blinking , etc . 82 00:04:51.949 --> 00:04:56.740 Reflexes are biologically important for the survival of any organism . 83 00:04:58.100 --> 00:05:02.319 So , the accidental discovery of the innate salivation or reflex of dogs 84 00:05:02.319 --> 00:05:04.360 at the sight of the food 85 00:05:04.370 --> 00:05:08.339 paved the way for Pavlov 's classical conditioning process . 86 00:05:08.339 --> 00:05:10.319 Now look at the figure 87 00:05:10.319 --> 00:05:13.720 that exhibits Pavlov 's restraining harness . 88 00:05:13.730 --> 00:05:18.519 Pavlov ’ s experiment was conducted by placing a dog in a restraining hardness . 89 00:05:20.629 --> 00:05:25.269 A stimulus - the sound of a bell - was presented at regular intervals . 90 00:05:25.269 --> 00:05:28.629 and then the dog was provided with some food . 91 00:05:28.970 --> 00:05:30.459 At first , 92 00:05:30.529 --> 00:05:35.050 the dog had no prior meaning of the tone concerning food or salivation . 93 00:05:35.240 --> 00:05:38.529 It was just an orienting response at first . 94 00:05:38.529 --> 00:05:43.509 The dog cocked its ears , and moved its head to trace the source of the sound . 95 00:05:44.240 --> 00:05:47.800 However , with the frequent pairing of the tone and the food 96 00:05:47.800 --> 00:05:52.139 the orienting response is no more manifested , 97 00:05:52.139 --> 00:05:54.670 and salivation begins . 98 00:05:56.180 --> 00:06:00.069 This phenomenon was found to be similar to another stimulus . 99 00:06:00.529 --> 00:06:05.009 Pavlov demonstrated the generality of this effect by using a variety of other 100 00:06:05.009 --> 00:06:07.149 stimuli such as light etc . 101 00:06:08.269 --> 00:06:11.560 Now , in detail about the process of classical conditioning . 102 00:06:11.720 --> 00:06:16.149 On the whole , classical conditioning involves forming an association 103 00:06:16.149 --> 00:06:21.060 between a neutral stimulus and natural stimulus , resulting in a learned response . 104 00:06:21.060 --> 00:06:25.870 The three basic stages of classical conditioning are : Before conditioning , 105 00:06:26.089 --> 00:06:28.480 during conditioning , and after conditioning . 106 00:06:29.149 --> 00:06:33.160 In the first stage , that is the before conditioning stage of the learning process , 107 00:06:33.160 --> 00:06:37.509 Pavlov provided a natural stimulus , the site of food 108 00:06:37.509 --> 00:06:41.350 that will automatically elicit a response , called salivation . 109 00:06:41.350 --> 00:06:42.550 In other words , 110 00:06:42.550 --> 00:06:46.360 the unconditioned stimulus - called UCS - 111 00:06:46.360 --> 00:06:49.649 produces an unconditioned response called 112 00:06:49.649 --> 00:06:51.430 UCR . 113 00:06:51.800 --> 00:06:53.379 At this point , a neutral stimulus 114 00:06:53.540 --> 00:06:56.800 that produces no effect is introduced . 115 00:06:57.500 --> 00:07:01.269 Here the neutral stimulus is the sound of a bell . 116 00:07:01.819 --> 00:07:05.920 It is found that the neutral stimulus can evoke a response when 117 00:07:05.920 --> 00:07:08.230 paired with UCS several times . 118 00:07:08.629 --> 00:07:09.850 Therefore , 119 00:07:11.240 --> 00:07:13.240 unconditioned stimulus - UCS - 120 00:07:13.240 --> 00:07:17.889 refers to naturally occurring stimuli that evokes a response . 121 00:07:17.959 --> 00:07:19.689 Whereas , unconditioned response , 122 00:07:19.699 --> 00:07:22.319 UCR is the automatic response 123 00:07:22.319 --> 00:07:26.709 manifested when subjected to unconditioned stimulus . 124 00:07:26.709 --> 00:07:28.990 Now , stage 2 is during conditioning . 125 00:07:30.620 --> 00:07:32.290 For this stage , 126 00:07:33.319 --> 00:07:36.430 Pavlov introduced a neutral stimulus - the sound of a bell - 127 00:07:36.430 --> 00:07:40.480 that is repeatedly paired with the UCS , the food . 128 00:07:40.879 --> 00:07:45.310 Hence , an association between the neutral stimulus and the natural stimulus 129 00:07:45.310 --> 00:07:46.959 is facilitated . 130 00:07:47.360 --> 00:07:52.139 If the association triggers the salivation response , then the neutral stimulus is 131 00:07:52.139 --> 00:07:55.389 called conditioned stimulus 132 00:07:55.670 --> 00:07:57.519 or safe . 133 00:07:58.310 --> 00:08:03.269 The once neutral stimulus - after being associated with the natural stimulus - eventually triggers 134 00:08:03.269 --> 00:08:07.649 a conditioned response and this stimulus is called conditioned stimulus . 135 00:08:07.649 --> 00:08:10.360 Now , the third stage is after conditioning . 136 00:08:10.370 --> 00:08:14.860 Once the association has been made between the UCS and the CS , 137 00:08:14.860 --> 00:08:17.279 Pavlov found that the CS 138 00:08:17.279 --> 00:08:21.579 even when presented without UCS , will trigger a response . 139 00:08:22.310 --> 00:08:27.300 The resulting response of salivation even without food is known as 140 00:08:27.300 --> 00:08:31.829 conditioned response , or CR which refers to the habituated 141 00:08:31.829 --> 00:08:35.220 or learned response 142 00:08:35.220 --> 00:08:37.419 to one 's neutral stimulus . 143 00:08:39.230 --> 00:08:43.990 Hence , UCS , UCR connections are provided by nature . 144 00:08:43.990 --> 00:08:46.120 But the CS-CR connections 145 00:08:47.990 --> 00:08:50.919 are produced by learning through classical conditioning . 146 00:08:50.990 --> 00:08:54.029 Now , after understanding the concept of classical conditioning , 147 00:08:54.029 --> 00:08:56.139 what are its uses in the real world ? 148 00:08:56.139 --> 00:09:00.720 Few of the real world applications for classical conditioning are now 149 00:09:00.720 --> 00:09:03.309 explained to you . The first one is that 150 00:09:03.309 --> 00:09:06.519 classical conditioning mechanisms are used by 151 00:09:06.519 --> 00:09:10.090 many dog trainers to train their pets . 152 00:09:10.429 --> 00:09:14.139 Phobias or anxiety problems could also be treated by the 153 00:09:14.139 --> 00:09:16.000 principles of classical conditioning . 154 00:09:16.309 --> 00:09:20.830 And very important , you as a prospective teacher , 155 00:09:20.830 --> 00:09:23.950 could apply classical conditioning in the classroom setting . 156 00:09:23.950 --> 00:09:28.600 For example , an anxious situation of performing on stage 157 00:09:28.600 --> 00:09:32.789 can be paired with a pleasant reward by which the child 158 00:09:32.789 --> 00:09:37.179 could learn to stay relaxed and calm on stage . 159 00:09:37.340 --> 00:09:41.580 Hope the theory on classical conditioning has explained how 160 00:09:41.580 --> 00:09:45.970 a child learns by means of associating 161 00:09:46.009 --> 00:09:50.230 a neutral stimulus and then learn that particular behavior . 162 00:09:50.230 --> 00:09:51.549 Plus , you are 163 00:09:51.549 --> 00:09:55.409 provided with some implications that as a teacher 164 00:09:55.409 --> 00:09:56.590 you could use in the 165 00:09:56.629 --> 00:09:58.720 class room environment . 166 00:09:58.850 --> 00:10:02.110 Hope to meet you for the next concept on operant conditioning . 167 00:10:02.389 --> 00:10:03.669 Thank you .