WEBVTT 1 00:00:00.669 --> 00:00:02.920 Isomerism and healthy diet. 2 00:00:02.920 --> 00:00:05.610 We are all concerned with trans fats. 3 00:00:05.610 --> 00:00:07.780 Why we are worried about trans fat? 4 00:00:07.780 --> 00:00:12.300 Because due to different geometry, the arrangements are quite different. 5 00:00:12.300 --> 00:00:15.759 For example, the cis isomers don’t pack together. 6 00:00:15.759 --> 00:00:20.460 So, due to that they have low viscosity and they are called good compounds. 7 00:00:20.460 --> 00:00:23.660 Whereas, the trans isomers pack very tightly. 8 00:00:23.660 --> 00:00:26.400 So, they are called bad ones. 9 00:00:26.400 --> 00:00:29.570 So, the trans fats are not really good for our health. 10 00:00:29.570 --> 00:00:36.829 If you look at monounsaturated fat, they generally raise the High Density Lipids or HDL which 11 00:00:36.829 --> 00:00:44.519 is a good cholesterol and they lower the Low Density Lipids or the LDL. 12 00:00:44.519 --> 00:00:52.089 Some examples are canola oil, olive oil, peanut oil, etcetera are good sources of this one. 13 00:00:52.089 --> 00:00:58.809 Whereas, the healthy unsaturated fats are liquid at room temperature, while the trans ones 14 00:00:58.809 --> 00:01:02.339 and the saturated fats are always solids. 15 00:01:02.339 --> 00:01:05.030 So, these are not good for our health. 16 00:01:05.030 --> 00:01:07.380 You can see the different kinds of fat here. 17 00:01:07.380 --> 00:01:12.880 So, this is the cis double bond and this is the trans double bond. 18 00:01:12.880 --> 00:01:18.310 So, these compounds generally the trans isomers are not really good, you can see some of the 19 00:01:18.310 --> 00:01:20.490 examples where they are found. 20 00:01:20.490 --> 00:01:26.590 The cis isomer is the best one which is found in vegetable oils, where the saturated one 21 00:01:26.590 --> 00:01:31.700 or the trans one are not good for our health. 22 00:01:31.700 --> 00:01:39.679 And some other examples are Linoleic acid, it is important omega six fatty acid, it has 23 00:01:39.679 --> 00:01:45.290 all cis isomer, it is found in the lipids of cell membranes, it is generally involved 24 00:01:45.290 --> 00:01:49.369 in the growth during and after physical activity. 25 00:01:49.369 --> 00:01:56.240 Another one is Arachidonic acid, it is also a polyunsaturated fatty acid, this is also 26 00:01:56.240 --> 00:02:05.700 a all cis isomer, it is present in phospholipids and membranes, it is used as a anabolic bodybuilding 27 00:02:05.700 --> 00:02:07.219 supplement. 28 00:02:07.219 --> 00:02:15.069 Leukotrienes, these are a family of eicosanoid inflammatory mediators, they triggered contractions 29 00:02:15.069 --> 00:02:21.480 in the smooth muscle lining muscles lining the bronchioles. 30 00:02:21.480 --> 00:02:26.989 They act principally on a sub family of GPCR or G protein coupled receptors. 31 00:02:26.989 --> 00:02:33.069 There are two major types LTA four and LTB four. 32 00:02:33.069 --> 00:02:34.850 Then what we can see? 33 00:02:34.850 --> 00:02:36.819 The isomers of retinal. 34 00:02:36.819 --> 00:02:40.450 So, our vision actually requires a protein called rhodopsin. 35 00:02:40.450 --> 00:02:48.750 So, rhodopsin however has a small helper molecule which is the cis eleven retinal. 36 00:02:48.750 --> 00:02:56.629 This is actually made from vitamin A, when this is converted to all trans after exposer 37 00:02:56.629 --> 00:02:59.579 to the light we can actually see. 38 00:02:59.579 --> 00:03:04.030 Then the major problem is with Neonatal jaundice. 39 00:03:04.030 --> 00:03:14.720 So, basically the babies which are born they get jaundice, the origin is the hemoglobin 40 00:03:14.720 --> 00:03:19.800 in the blood produces bilirubin which is a yellow substance. 41 00:03:19.800 --> 00:03:26.799 When it is produced it has to be expelled from our body and it is done by the liver. 42 00:03:26.799 --> 00:03:34.239 But in the case of newborns when their liver is not mature enough, this bilirubin is not 43 00:03:34.239 --> 00:03:41.340 actually expelled from the body, so that leads to jaundice and when it happens in the newborn 44 00:03:41.340 --> 00:03:44.020 babies it is called Neonatal jaundice. 45 00:03:44.020 --> 00:03:50.110 So, here we see we have two isomerisms, geometric isomerism here. 46 00:03:50.110 --> 00:03:58.840 We have four Z isomer and which has to be converted to four E isomer or the fifteen 47 00:03:58.840 --> 00:04:02.849 Z has to be converted into fifteen E isomer. 48 00:04:02.849 --> 00:04:07.930 So, these are all the two reactions which has to occur when these two don’t occur 49 00:04:07.930 --> 00:04:09.540 we have problem. 50 00:04:09.540 --> 00:04:15.970 And, you can see the photo therapy is the only thing which can convert the isomerization 51 00:04:15.970 --> 00:04:18.490 of these two double bonds. 52 00:04:18.490 --> 00:04:26.400 With this we conclude our topic on stereoisomerism, mainly the geometric isomerism. 53 00:04:26.400 --> 00:04:32.690 So, far in this module, we had seen about the basic principles of organic chemistry, construction 54 00:04:32.690 --> 00:04:39.870 of Fourier molecular orbitals, reconstruction of reactions and hydrolysis mechanism, arrow 55 00:04:39.870 --> 00:04:42.710 pushing, all those things we have studied so far. 56 00:04:42.710 --> 00:04:50.770 And ,we have also studied about geometric isomerism, CIP rule and application of geometric isomerism 57 00:04:50.770 --> 00:04:52.850 in healthy diet. 58 00:04:52.850 --> 00:04:55.090 With that, we conclude this module, thank you.