WEBVTT 1 00:00:08.670 --> 00:00:10.624 I am Doctor Sanyukta Bhaduri, 2 00:00:10.624 --> 00:00:13.851 Dean Research and professor of urban planning 3 00:00:13.851 --> 00:00:16.605 in the school of planning and architecture Delhi. 4 00:00:17.148 --> 00:00:21.103 I have been in experience as facility past three decades. 5 00:00:21.103 --> 00:00:24.978 And I am offering this course on city and metropolitan planning. 6 00:00:25.790 --> 00:00:28.101 Why is this course relevant 7 00:00:28.101 --> 00:00:30.605 or what can we learn from this course. 8 00:00:31.707 --> 00:00:33.832 Cities are dynamic entities 9 00:00:33.832 --> 00:00:36.123 and they are continuously growing and developing. 10 00:00:36.717 --> 00:00:42.105 And we all know that more than 50% of the world is Urban 11 00:00:42.105 --> 00:00:46.639 and which is would increase to 66% 12 00:00:46.639 --> 00:00:51.101 in 2050 as the future estimates state. 13 00:00:51.523 --> 00:00:57.108 In India it would double from 32% in 2011 14 00:00:57.108 --> 00:01:03.355 to 60% in 2050 as the estimates again state. 15 00:01:03.690 --> 00:01:09.713 At present there are several issues, problematic problems 16 00:01:09.713 --> 00:01:12.273 pertaining to the business growth and development 17 00:01:12.273 --> 00:01:14.855 and many of our cities are unplanned. 18 00:01:16.132 --> 00:01:23.602 This course hence would provide various processes, 19 00:01:23.602 --> 00:01:25.641 approaches, techniques 20 00:01:27.329 --> 00:01:31.353 related to planning of city and Metropolitan areas, 21 00:01:32.500 --> 00:01:37.366 considering the scale, severity and complexity 22 00:01:37.366 --> 00:01:40.605 of these issues which are plaguing the cities today. 23 00:01:41.341 --> 00:01:44.244 Let us take a look at the contents of this course 24 00:01:44.244 --> 00:01:47.353 and what would you learn from this course. 25 00:01:47.643 --> 00:01:50.601 We will start with the trends of urbanization. 26 00:01:51.252 --> 00:01:53.518 How more and more people are migrating 27 00:01:53.518 --> 00:01:56.432 to the cities causing a rapid increase in the population? 28 00:01:57.033 --> 00:02:00.138 And also increase in the number of megacities 29 00:02:00.138 --> 00:02:04.855 like Delhi, Mumbai, New York, Tokyo in the world. 30 00:02:05.294 --> 00:02:08.131 We will learn about the various implications 31 00:02:08.131 --> 00:02:10.605 of urbanization in our cities. 32 00:02:11.311 --> 00:02:14.319 It can be both positive as well as negative. 33 00:02:15.912 --> 00:02:21.354 We will then look into what’s sort of opportunities 34 00:02:21.354 --> 00:02:25.603 the cities are providing and which is acting as a pull-factor 35 00:02:26.549 --> 00:02:28.432 for the migrating population. 36 00:02:29.995 --> 00:02:35.354 And at the same time the cities are also having 37 00:02:35.727 --> 00:02:38.855 lot of issues like slums squatters, 38 00:02:38.855 --> 00:02:40.972 lack of waste management, pollution, 39 00:02:41.394 --> 00:02:43.354 increasing congestion extra. 40 00:02:45.410 --> 00:02:48.356 Cities cannot be understood in isolation 41 00:02:48.356 --> 00:02:51.763 because they impact and are impacted by its hinterland. 42 00:02:52.685 --> 00:02:55.466 A city needs to be understood 43 00:02:55.466 --> 00:02:58.105 in the context of its region or its hinterland. 44 00:02:58.669 --> 00:03:01.099 We will learn about the history of settlements 45 00:03:02.419 --> 00:03:04.411 and try to develop an understanding 46 00:03:04.411 --> 00:03:06.904 of how the cities have evolved from Paleolithic 47 00:03:07.716 --> 00:03:10.856 period to what they are today. 48 00:03:13.700 --> 00:03:16.851 For example about river valley civilizations, 49 00:03:16.851 --> 00:03:21.101 about the Roman Empire, about the Mughal period. 50 00:03:21.101 --> 00:03:24.106 All this we would learn in this course. 51 00:03:29.242 --> 00:03:32.105 You would also learn about the new towns 52 00:03:32.105 --> 00:03:35.686 that have developed and about the satellite towns, 53 00:03:35.686 --> 00:03:39.264 about inner city areas, the peri-urban areas, 54 00:03:39.694 --> 00:03:41.605 the counter magnet cities. 55 00:03:45.655 --> 00:03:48.603 Next, we come to the history of town planning, 56 00:03:48.603 --> 00:03:51.290 spanning from the industrial revolution 57 00:03:51.290 --> 00:03:52.601 to the modern day planning. 58 00:03:52.601 --> 00:03:56.281 We would look at the various theories and models 59 00:03:56.773 --> 00:04:01.677 in the field of planning from classical, to neo-classical 60 00:04:01.702 --> 00:04:04.909 to postmodern to neo-classical counterrevolution 61 00:04:04.909 --> 00:04:08.097 and to the emerging approaches. 62 00:04:09.151 --> 00:04:12.354 The most significant part of the course 63 00:04:12.354 --> 00:04:15.105 would be the planning approaches and techniques. 64 00:04:15.542 --> 00:04:18.119 And these planning approaches which would 65 00:04:18.846 --> 00:04:20.791 talk about how to plan the cities, 66 00:04:20.791 --> 00:04:23.605 what is the process, what are the data requirements, 67 00:04:23.605 --> 00:04:25.354 what is to be analyzed. 68 00:04:25.831 --> 00:04:28.106 So therefore various techniques 69 00:04:28.106 --> 00:04:31.721 in order to continue with planning. 70 00:04:32.252 --> 00:04:34.257 See this is the land use plan . 71 00:04:34.257 --> 00:04:36.852 it’s a proposed land use plan for the city. 72 00:04:37.171 --> 00:04:39.656 These are the existing residential areas, 73 00:04:39.656 --> 00:04:41.880 and these are what are proposed, 74 00:04:41.880 --> 00:04:44.103 these are along the major highways 75 00:04:44.103 --> 00:04:49.102 and these are the recreational areas, which are proposed 76 00:04:49.102 --> 00:04:52.274 and we have the recreational areas, 77 00:04:52.274 --> 00:04:54.680 parks gardens all within the city. 78 00:04:54.680 --> 00:04:56.601 This part is the existing city 79 00:04:56.828 --> 00:04:58.968 and these parts are the proposed city. 80 00:04:58.968 --> 00:05:01.710 Because the city is not static, city would grow, 81 00:05:01.710 --> 00:05:05.242 so these are for the future development areas, 82 00:05:05.242 --> 00:05:07.856 which have been earmarked for future development. 83 00:05:07.856 --> 00:05:09.855 Residential areas then we have 84 00:05:09.855 --> 00:05:12.262 the public and the semipublic areas, 85 00:05:12.262 --> 00:05:14.601 then we have the water body, 86 00:05:14.601 --> 00:05:15.914 there is a water body here, 87 00:05:15.914 --> 00:05:20.854 which has been proposed for protection as recreational zone. 88 00:05:20.854 --> 00:05:24.605 And then there is also a buffer zone, 89 00:05:24.605 --> 00:05:32.101 which is there to protect the water body from development. 90 00:05:32.101 --> 00:05:36.812 Then there are also a proposed transportation corridors. 91 00:05:37.031 --> 00:05:39.531 There is a railway line, existing railway line 92 00:05:39.531 --> 00:05:42.351 and there are these proposed corridors, 93 00:05:42.351 --> 00:05:46.007 which are proposed for future development. 94 00:05:46.695 --> 00:05:49.605 We have different levels of planning in our country 95 00:05:50.548 --> 00:05:53.439 i.e there is a hierarchy of plans, 96 00:05:53.439 --> 00:05:56.283 based on the extent of area to be planned. 97 00:05:56.805 --> 00:05:59.736 So, Therefore, the need, contents 98 00:05:59.736 --> 00:06:01.993 and the process of various plans 99 00:06:02.356 --> 00:06:03.602 we would try to look at. 100 00:06:04.486 --> 00:06:11.005 From regional plan, to master plan, to zonal plans 101 00:06:11.427 --> 00:06:14.935 and then to local area plans, 102 00:06:15.310 --> 00:06:19.794 which are, ward level plans and finally layout plans. 103 00:06:19.794 --> 00:06:23.200 So from a large area 104 00:06:23.443 --> 00:06:25.855 we would come down to the micro scale. 105 00:06:30.458 --> 00:06:34.419 All the plans are prepared under some acts 106 00:06:35.068 --> 00:06:38.856 and thus it is important to know 107 00:06:38.856 --> 00:06:42.007 about the legal mandates and the policies, 108 00:06:42.007 --> 00:06:43.648 missions and schemes, 109 00:06:43.921 --> 00:06:47.141 which would guide the development of the cities. 110 00:06:49.914 --> 00:06:54.352 As the cities increase in size from small cities 111 00:06:54.352 --> 00:06:57.828 and continuously grow to become mega cities, 112 00:06:58.149 --> 00:07:01.149 they need to be managed in order to have 113 00:07:01.422 --> 00:07:03.821 smooth and efficient functioning 114 00:07:04.110 --> 00:07:06.227 of various aspects of urban development 115 00:07:07.688 --> 00:07:13.353 and we have to also look at the aspects of urban governance 116 00:07:13.353 --> 00:07:19.102 reforms, urban re-development and participatory approaches. 117 00:07:20.062 --> 00:07:22.105 Finally, we have to know 118 00:07:22.130 --> 00:07:24.116 how do we finance the urban development, 119 00:07:25.093 --> 00:07:30.298 which would include the resource mobilization, 120 00:07:30.298 --> 00:07:34.283 innovative financing and investment requirement. 121 00:07:37.548 --> 00:07:41.250 This course would be helpful for anyone 122 00:07:41.602 --> 00:07:44.555 who wants to enhance their knowledge base 123 00:07:44.836 --> 00:07:48.079 and learn about city or metropolitan planning. 124 00:07:49.337 --> 00:07:54.704 Predominantly postgraduate students, graduate students and anyone 125 00:07:55.548 --> 00:08:01.354 who can be students from school or professionals 126 00:08:01.354 --> 00:08:07.351 or anyone who wants to know about cities 127 00:08:07.351 --> 00:08:10.124 and about planning of cities 128 00:08:10.492 --> 00:08:14.826 can benefit and learn from this course.